Sheryl Brown Art

Color My Wall, Color My Wardrobe

[caption id="attachment_1664" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Color My Wall, Color My Wardrobe..!"]Color My Wall and Wardrobe - The Impact of Color in My World[/caption] How does color impact your life, or conversely, how does the lack of color impact your world? So many of us are wearing basic black for one reason or another - to minimize curves, to achieve a classy, classic, or dressy look, to simplify wardrobe decisions or all of the above. Wearing black is popular, not only to high stylers, but also serves as a default to us bodacious ladies seeking to achieve a trimmer effect. How about your walls? Is there a difference in how you use color to jazz up your living space than how you decorate your bod? For many, the answer to that is yes, there is a distinct difference. No matter what the answer to your questions above, if you *do* love color and want more of it on your walls and in your wardrobe, we have the answer to both..! For every piece of wearable art we have designed here, there is a painting behind it. So far, the following paintings have found their own self expression in a silk scarf.. "Champagne Dreams" "Firecracker Love" "Midnight Ocean" "Ocean Swell" "Patchwork Sky" "Summer Daze" Let us know your fav image from Sheryl Brown Art that you would like to see in a scarf, and we'll make it happen..! Just check the Galleries to see all the various images, and don't forget to like us on Facebook too ;) So with all of the above in consideration, it begs the question, do you have enough color in your life? How does it feel to you to be missing more color in what you wear? Do you feel a lack of oomph? Do you feel too sober, dull or blah? Add your comments below, and let's talk..!
Jun 11, 2017

I’m one of those people that loves to wear black. I’ve been wearing it from top to toe since my early teens in the 1980’s.

My kids have constantly complained about it… I try and bring a little colour in now by wearing brightly coloured v-necks, tees and tanks. I’m not sure that it alters my mood too much as my home has plenty of colour to it – as does the garden.

About to take a stroll through your galleries with my mid-morning coffee.

Kittie Walker
Jun 11, 2017

Love this idea of the colours in our lives. I am SouthAmerican so there ARE colours in my life, in my clothes – maybe not so much on my walls. I might be the reverse case to the majority, as I NEED to wear red every now and then just to boost my energy. I heard a program on Scottish TV once in which they recommended wearing a red garmet – even under your clothes – to make sure that you’ll have that extra boost needed to succeed. Really enjoyed the article and seeing your art. Lovely job!

Veronica Solorzano Athanasiou
Jun 11, 2017

Remember The Emperor’s New Clothes??? I have always been the little boy that saw told the emperor he was naked! My mother would let me tag along when she would buy clothes and say “See how this black sweater makes me look slimmer?”… I would say… “You look much prettier in the yellow one.” And she would sigh and roll her eyes. I am not afraid of color on my body or on my wall! When I was thin black was sort of an exclamation point in my wardrobe not the overall color scheme….now that I am more lusciously appointed it is no different, I don’t feel slimmer in black than I do in magenta and I don’t deny myself the joy of wearing color!! As for my walls I always prefer a light neutral color that serves as a background for all the stuff I hang on the walls!!! It’s like living in a kaleidoscope!! (a personal fantasy!!)

Jun 11, 2017

I love color and have plenty of it in my life. Do live without it would be oh so bland and lifeless.

Susan C. Forsythe
Jun 11, 2017

Thanks for sharing with us this wonderful piece!
I love that you use such strong colors, and I like to wear colors.
Great to learn the story behind your art work!

Jun 11, 2017

I LOVE color! I do dress up for work, but I almost always have at least a dash of color in my outfit. And my house? I went a little paint-crazy when I bought it three years ago. It’s the color scheme of an Italian cafe: orange and red and brown and gold and yellow and forest green and light green and teal and sand… you get the picture. Yes, I’m a firm believer that color is essential in all aspects of life.

Molly Jo at Frankly, My Dear...
Jun 11, 2017

Hi Sherlyn,
Your creations can make people fall in love with colors and it goes beyond beauty and look, it is about personality. Colors can speak to you. Great work!

Jun 11, 2017

Ah, thanks for your take on it, Kittie.. And do enjoy the galleries ;) Hope your coffe was just right too..!

Jun 11, 2017

Gotta love the SouthAmerican culture and many others for their exuberant love of color, Veronica..! I had the same experience when I lived in the Philippines.. Color everywhere, no matter what the economy might be.

I can definitely relate to wearing some color even where it is not seen, lol! And red nail polish can work as well too..

Thank you for your lovely comments ;)

Jun 11, 2017

LOL, Kathleen..! I loved that story ;) And good for you for going for big color to accent your lushness ;)

Here’s to living in a kaleidoscope..!


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