Peach and Green

Peach and Green


"Peach and Green" is painted on an 8x10" Canvas with Acrylic paint, in Portrait orientation.

The colors used in this painting include shades of peach, gold, yellow ochre and avocado green with bold white highlights.

This work is available as Fine Art Giclee Reproductions on Paper or Canvas.

An abstract work, this painting has diagonal lines and bands of color sweeping upward in an uplifting manner.

Peach and gold with white streaks might signify a fantasy sky with the strong amost grass-like green signaling land. Without a doubt we can imagine a pastoral mountain slope with yellow ochre descending below.

It is a simple work, but has an unmistakable strength to it. Rough hewn, yet elegant.

I successfully painted with my less common colors, and no blue or purple worked their way in.

Tell me what feelings this painting inspires for you.