Looks Like Love

Looks Like Love


"Looks Like Love" is painted on an 8x10" Canvas with Acrylic paint, in Portrait orientation.

The colors used in this painting include shades of rose pink, fuchsia, periwinkle, lavender and violet with white highlights.

This work is available as Fine Art Giclee Reproductions on Paper or Canvas.

My main focus in this work was simply to see how many shades of pink and lavender I could get with just the few tubes of paint in hand.

After I was finished painting, I could see a heart shape, and also a figure that seems to connote love and protection. There might be a splash of surf or it might be the center of a flower.

Extremely abstract, this work might simply be a hearts and flowers kind of feeling for you, or it may be more profound in meaning, you decide.

In any case, the feeling is overall warm and peaceful with just the right amount of movement to be interesting and still remain calm.