Sheryl Brown Art

Send me to New York!

You can send me to New York on a 3 month live/work residency! Just click on the link below, peruse my portfolio, either one by one or all on the one page (links at the top left), then decide how many stars to rate my art at the top right. Here's what 3rd Ward says about the Grand Prize and the other bennies ;D "The Awards Let New York City be the home of the solo show that garners you the attention of the international art world. NYC has one of the largest concentrations of international art-world players - including artists, buyers, collectors, curators, dealers, critics and enthusiasts - and can be your platform to showcase your vision to the world. This is your chance at a 3-month New York City residency, a $5,000 cash grant and access to the resources to help you create a body of work to present in your own NYC solo exhibition. NEW YORK CITY IS YOURS. Grand Prize Award: * New York City Solo Exhibition at 3rd Ward Gallery * 3-month live/work residency in NYC, including work studio & full facility access (photo studios, wood & metal shop, media lab, classes) at 3rd Ward * $5,000 cash grant * Airfare & shipping to and from New York City (for non-NYC residents) * NYC-wide exposure * An online feature promoting the artist's work internationally People's Choice Award: * $1,000 cash grant * An online feature promoting the artist's work internationally Plus: The top 25 runners-up will receive online features, gaining worldwide exposure!" Check them out for more information..

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